$WGT Circulating Supply Explained: Full Transparency, Wallet by Wallet

Web3Games.com Team
2 min readJan 13, 2024


The past two weeks have been a whirlwind! We launched our Web3Games.com Token, $WGT, with the community’s incredible support. From a successful token sale raising 360,000 USD (exceeding the launchpad pool by 200% to 720,000 USD!), to a lightning-fast listing on MEXC with the price now nearly 5x the public sale price, the momentum has been thrilling.

Now, as our community members claim their tokens from the sale, airdrops, and marketing campaigns, and begin staking for the next $W3G airdrop, it’s the perfect time to showcase our commitment to transparency and honesty. We understand the importance of trust, and that’s why we’re taking this opportunity to openly disclose the circulating supply and vesting wallets for every $WGT token category.

This builds on our whitepaper’s outlined token distribution and vesting scheme. We’re going a step further by revealing all vesting wallet addresses associated with each category, ensuring full transparency to the community. All lockups and vestings are handled through secure vesting wallet contracts provided by OpenZepplin.

Here’s a breakdown of the vested token allocations and vesting schedules:


  • Token Percentage: 20%
  • Vesting Scheme: Lockup 3 months; then vesting over 24 months
  • Vesting Wallet: 0x1f243c9493BD4812B1B9EEfCDFDdc9697427163E
  • View on Polygonscan

Public Sale & Community Airdrop

  • Token Percentage: 2% (Public Sale) + 1% (Community Airdrop) = 3%
  • Vesting Scheme: 10% at TGE; 90 days cliff; then vesting over 12 months
  • Vesting Pool: 0xc52baB95a5D0F4855e7a1c165d8937552606aBD9
  • View on Polygonscan

Ecosystem, Community & Liquidity

  • Token Percentage: 25%
  • Vesting Scheme: 8% at TGE; then vesting over 48 months
  • Vesting Wallet: 0x763b9a41c5704903228B4F5D9DfB05a4beB0D687
  • View on Polygonscan

Team & Advisors

  • Token Percentage: 20% (Team) + 2% (Advisors) = 22%
  • Vesting Scheme: Lockup 1 year; then vesting over 36 months
  • Vesting Pool: 0xc55525562eB8AA43D07BE6865Ae69F0cE4C25a95
  • View on Polygonscan

Reserved for Chain

  • Token Percentage: 30%
  • Vesting Scheme: Lockup for Web3Games Chain operations
  • Lockedup Address: 0x6dce7069c45c3567011f04888dca4bac10d86d88
  • View on Polygonscan
  • Remarks: We’re shifting our chain development from Web3Games Chain to the W3Gamez Network, a Layer 2 solution built with $W3G as the native gas and governance token. This means $WGT reserved for chain operations will be burned in January 2024, marking a new chapter for Web3Games.com. Stay tuned for more details about the W3Gamez Network and the launch of W3G!

To make things even clearer, we’ve created a public Google Sheet illustrating the token vesting statistics and calculations for public circulating supply:

The $WGT launch is just the beginning of our web3gaming journey. We’re fully committed to “All-in Fully On-Chain Gaming” and have exciting products in the pipeline. We invite you to join us on this incredible adventure!

