🍁 DEBEATS Season 2: FALL IN LOVE is Here!

Web3Games.com Team
3 min readOct 21, 2023


We are excited to announce the launch of DEBEATS Season 2: 🍁 FALL IN LOVE! This season will be bigger and better than ever, with double daily $BEATS rewards, a longer season duration, new songs and beatmaps, and a revamped leaderboard and score system.

📅 Extended Season Duration

23rd October 2023, 15:00 HKT — 21st December 2023, 15:00 HKT

Season 2 will last for 60 days, giving you more time than ever to challenge the leaderboard and unlock the season rewards. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, you’ll have plenty of time to improve your skills and earn big.

🪙 Doubled $BEATS Rewards

The leaderboard rewards for Season 2 will be distributed at 3:00 pm HKT on November 6th, November 21st, December 6th, and December 21st of the year 2023. Once the rewards are distributed, the DBEATS Points will be converted to $BEATS tokens on the following day.

The $BEATS rewards for Season 2 have been doubled from Season 1. That’s right, you can earn twice as much $BEATS for your hard work and dedication.

Season 2: 3,000,000 $BEATS in 60 days(50,000 $BEATS per day)
Season 1:
700,000 $BEATS in 28 days (25,000 $BEATS per day)

💡 The DEBEATS Points reward details will be introduced in the whitepaper after the season starts, please stay tuned.

🎵 New Songs & Beatmaps

Season 2 New Songs

Season 2 features 11 new songs and 16 new beatmaps in a variety of music types and difficulty levels. From pop and rock to electronic and anime, there’s something for everyone in this season’s song list. And with new beatmaps to challenge you, you’ll never get bored.

🎯New Leaderboard and Scores

Season 2 introduces a new leaderboard and score system. Your season score will be set back to zero every new season starts, and the season reward will be counted according to your season score. Your historical score will be recorded and shown in the overall score. This new system makes it more fair for everyone, and gives you a chance to earn big rewards even if you’re not the best player in the world.

🎉 Don’t miss out on your chance to win rewards in DEBEATS 🍁 Season 2: FALL IN LOVE! Join and start playing to earn your share of the $700,000 $BEATS prize pool. With new songs, new beatmaps, and a new leaderboard system, there’s never been a better time to play DEBEATS!

Download DEBEATS


DEBEATS is the revolutionary decentralized music rhythm game built on Polygon.

Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of musical creativity where you can collect and trade unique beatmaps. Showcase your talents and skills by syncing your moves with the rhythm!

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